New value 값을 50이든 100이든 임의로 넣어주고 add to tcpip.sys 를 클릭하면 된다.
혹시 원래대로 돌리고 싶으면 아래 restore original file을 하면 원래대로 이상없이 돌아온다.
혹 설치후 윈도 시디를 넣으라 뜨면 그냥 취소 시키면 된다.
변경후 재부팅 시키고 p2p나 토렌트를 켠상태에서 인터넷 창을 뛰워보면 확실히 속도가 빨라진것을 느낄수 있을것이다.
아래는 원문
Operating system: Windows XP SP2(x86,x64)/SP3, Server 2003 SP1(x86)/SP2(x86,x64), Server 2008(x86,x64), Vista without SP(x86,x64) and with SP1(x86,x64).
Interface language: English and Russian. Download Half-open limit fix 2.9 (450KB).
1)Extract to any folder and run Half-open limit fix
2) Choose a new limit of quantity of concurrent half-open outbound connections and press "Add to tcpip.sys" (for the overwhelming majority of users there will be sufficient the limit equal 100)
3) Restart computer and enjoy
Restart of the program can be demanded after updating Windows or SP installation as sometimes Microsoft replaces old file tcpip.sys on new. If the program will cease to work with updated tcpip.sys on this site there will be a new version.
For Vistaand Server 2008users: Probably sometime, after updating Windows or SP installation on a desktop will appear watermarks "Test mode". They can appear because in all versions of Vista and Server 2008, except Vista without SP(x86), there is the obligatory check of the signature of drivers, and the file tcpip.sys sign with test signature after patching. Most likely, to make it disappear will be necessary simply once again to patch tcpip.sys.
Is it safe?
Half-open limit fix creates backup copy of edited tcpip.sys file, and you at any moment can restore the original file, pressing of one button. I have tried to make the program as much as possible safe. In any case, use the given program at own risk.
What is the optimal value of concurrent half-open outbound connections limit?
I consider, that optimal value is equal 100. The further increasing the limit will have effect, only if You use simultaneously several P2P programs (µTorrent, BitComet, eMule, P2P TV etc.) or hold a server on a computer.
Does the limit cut down my internet speed?
To check up, whether works on your computer this limit, look in Event Viewer (for example via Control Panel — Administrative Tools; or Start — Run — EventVwr.msc). Each message «EventID 4226: TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts» speaks about that limit has worked.
Usually it means, that the network worm (virus) or any P2P program works on your computer. If such messages in Event Viewer appear very often most likely you sweep up a problem and - you will have difficulties with opening web pages in a browser.